Welcome To Gemini Automobiles
Gemini Automobiles is not a name that requires any introduction. Along with carving a niche for itself as one of the best car repair service provider in Navi Mumbai
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We are Specialist In Luxury vehicles
Luxury vehicle
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Why Choose Us?
Our mechanics come to work smiling and are happy to turn a wrench. They have a passion for auto repair and are fully qualified to work on yours.
The right care extends the life of any car or truck. We bring advanced techniques and cutting-edge diagnostics to the table every time.
Doing it yourself doesn’t always pan out. Rely on our knowledge and experience instead. Your car or truck is in the best of hands.
We promise to always provide value and outstanding service, regardless of repair size or difficulty.
We offer a host of services for individual requirements at our location. Nerul, Navi Mumbai